Be a part of our upcoming Mind HK Ambassador Training in our programme in partnership with MINDSET.  Sign up now

If you are recovering from a mental health struggle and are looking to share your mental health experience publicly with others to help destigmatise mental health, please fill in this form.

Please note that this programme is for individuals who has already been in recovery for at least a year and it is not intended as therapy. Recovery refers to the process in which people are able to live, work, learn, and participate in their communities and many can live well with mental health problems by managing symptoms effectively. Therefore, we feel that the idea of recovery is subjective to an individual’s judgement. Should your application be successful, the anti-stigma team will contact you for further clarification. 

The information you provide will only be seen by the Anti-Stigma Programme team and will be kept confidential. 

This training is open to Hong Kong residents aged 20 and over. 

Please note the training will take place over 4 evening sessions (6:30pm-9pm), dates indicated below. Participation in all 4 sessions is required to be eligible to be a Mind HK Ambassador.

Wednesday – 7th August, 14th August, 28th August, 4th September

Please note that only English training sessions are available at this time. For Cantonese training, please stay tuned for upcoming training, you may follow on Instagram @morethanalabelhk to receive updates.

Registration link:

The application deadline is 12th July 2024. 

For enquiries, please email us at .