香港心聆與思健一起組織了一個真人圖書館形式的分享會! Mind HK in partnership with MINDSET are organising this event to showcase a human library-style sharing! 按此報名。
Join us and our ambassadors for a human library-style sharing! Our ambassadors will share their individual stories of anxiety, depression, postpartum psychosis, burnout, and substance misuse in this human library event where we can learn about their road to recovery.
A human library is an in-person event where you can “check out” a human “book” for a brief conversation and discussion about their mental health recovery experience. We welcome attendees to learn about various mental health diagnoses in a small group setting to further their understanding of mental health in Hong Kong.
活動名額有限且需要登記。所有收入都將用於反污名化計劃及支援消除精神健康污名化方面做的努力。Registration for this event is required and limited. All proceeds will go back towards the anti-stigma programme and its effort in destigmatising mental health.
活動詳情 Event details:
日期 Date: 2024年 2 月 24 日 Saturday, 24th February 2024
時間 Time: 1:30PM – 2:30PM HKT
模式 Mode: 現場精神健康故事分享活動 In-person mental health story sharing event
地點 Location: 大館賽馬會立方 JC Cube, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環荷李活道10號
語言 Language: Cantonese and English
費用 Price:
常規票價 Regular tickets: $150 HKD
學生/香港心聆合作夥伴/NGO職員票價 Student / Mind HK Partner / NGO Staff Tickets: 免費 Free (請用學校或工作電郵地址登記 please use either school or work email in registration). If you are not in these categories and need financial support attending this event, please email us at
嘉賓介紹 Guest Introduction:
Tiffy (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
Tiffy是一名全球公民。 她曾在香港、泰國、英國和澳洲生活過,一直對學習新文化和與人交往感興趣,甚至透過人類學學位研究人類的本質。自從一次不幸的運動事故中身心復元後,她將對人的熱情化為行動,以大使的身份支持香港心聆。
Tiffy is a global citizen. Having lived in Hong Kong, Thailand, UK and Australia, she has always been interested in learning about new cultures, connecting with people, and even studying about what makes us human through her Anthropology degree. Ever since she recovered mentally and physically from an unfortunate sports incident, she has turned her passion for people into action by supporting Mind HK as an ambassador.
Tiffy will be presenting in English.
Suryati (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
Currently, I work in a foreign bank. I’m an overseas Chinese who comes from Indonesia. I have lived in 3 different cities: Taipei, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Living in Taipei and Shanghai forced me to learn the language: Mandarin. Because of my face, people there did not want to talk English with me. My hobbies change from time to time depending on the mood and the situation, however there are 3 that never changed, i.e.: sleeping; reading and playing with the cats.
Suryati will be presenting in English.
Mina (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
Mina will be presenting in English.
Ethel (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
Ethel will be presenting in English.
Chocolate (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
A balloon artist/a mental health health worker, someone who went on a bicycle tour around Taiwan, a half marathon runner, someone who held a balloon art exhibition etc. Although she engages in several joyful tasks, she has also experienced several cases of mental illness, severe eczema, and visual impairment after more than a dozen eye surgeries for more than a decade. Despite these challenges, she still works hard for her own blessings and hopes to share them with those around her through her art!.
Chocolate will be presenting in Cantonese.
「More Than a Label 我就是我」是 Mind HK 與香港思健合作策劃的全新計劃,計劃源於我們希望改變大眾對精神疾病患者的觀感。由怡和集團贊助,此計劃透過邀請復元人士分享他們的精神健康復元故事,來展示他們最真實的一面、描繪最真實的自己,藉此鼓勵大眾擺脫對精神疾病的固有觀念、污名及標籤。
“More than a Label 我就是我” is Mind HK campaign in partnership with MINDSET, which stems from their goal of changing and influencing the public’s perception towards persons with diagnosable mental health conditions. Funded by Jardines Matheson, this campaign encourages the public to look beyond the typical, stigmatising, labels associated with mental health diagnoses. Through personal stories of mental health journeys, we showcase realistic portrayals of people who have faced mental health problems are in recovery to ignite hope in others and encourage help-seeking.
With this campaign, we hope to raise awareness of the stigma towards mental health conditions, celebrate the resilience and strength of people in recovery, and educate and equip the public with mental health knowledge. We believe this will encourage more conversation in mental health, which will in turn help destigmatise mental health in Hong Kong.