Mind HK Ambassador

Claudia 的大腦

我的設計靈感來自於牽引圖。雜亂無章的符號代表了我對 「是什麼讓人類人性化?」的探索。代表成長的花朵;代表自我同情的心;代表智慧的動物;和代表我們的人類經驗的眼睛。所有這些都是我通過心理健康之旅學到的。在設計中天真無邪的僞裝下,我打算承認我內心孩子的痛苦,並給他們我希望我對自己擁有的愛。

My design is inspired by tractograms. The mishmash of symbols represents my exploration of “What makes humans humane?”: Flowers for growth; hearts for self-compassion; animals for wisdom; and eyes for our human experience. All of which I learned through my mental health journey. Under the guise of childlike innocence in the design, lies my intention to acknowledge my inner child’s pain and give them the love I wish I had for myself.


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