Mind HK Ambassador

Alexandra 的詩

When you lost your keys,

Forgot your phone

You lost the stability

When you lost your feels

You lost your sanity

When you lost your fears

You lost your anxiety

When you lost your tears

You lost your honesty

When you lost your dreams


You lost your modesty

Speed, progress, dynamics,

Where is the diversity of being slow

Taking your time

I know

Your generation relied on flowers

Dates, swans and roller coaster rides

And your father’s permission

But it’s 2023 now

Nudes are the currency of love

So let your soul be naked

Stop shaming

Judging, criticising

And everytime I feel like we are getting there,

Burning the stigma

Everytime i feel good

I hope it will last forever, but it doesn’t

These states

Will wax and wane

In the bad times,

There will always be good times

That’s the way we need to learn to recognize it

And appreciate it

The world has never been black and white

And I’m a clearly a mother now

Alienated from my friends group


I’m overwhelmed, excited, hysterical

Evaluating what’s important

If it’s not phone, keys

Its nappies, naps, nipples

I cry a little when people let me sit down on MTR,

I’m an emotional wreck

A rom-com material

Or is it the internet? Instagram?

What is it for mothers why do we keep blaming them

For societal issues, guilt, anxieties, fears

Passed onto us already when already in labour

Figure of mother is held accountable,

Do you still remember and appreciate your independence?

Always being there, providing care, justice and a

Safe space,

pretending to be a responsible adult

Pay attention to what mothers have to say,


From deep within through their bodies and minds

Paralysing overprotection

Understanding our own mothers now

Hearing the lies of children to cover it all up

to avoid unnecessary fights

It’s the maternal intuition

We treat motherhood as the place of glory, a place of lights

A palace we lodge, or rather bury,

the reality of our own conflicts in an outside world

Out of home space

Universe is a superwoman,

But thanks to all of this, the pregnancy, motherhood, mental health

I’m finally realising what it means to be a fully bodied, rounded human.

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