Mind HK in partnership with MINDSET are organising this event to showcase stories and poetry readings of people who have lived experience with mental health in Hong Kong. Register now.

Join Mind HK’s ambassadors in exploring the healing power of words for their journey in mental health recovery.

We will be showcasing stories and poetry readings of people who have lived experience with mental health in Hong Kong and an open discussion about their journey touching on topics such as their challenges, struggles, and recovery.

Come join us in listening to Vish, Sadie, Derek, Heinok and Jonathan, share their unique take on mental health storytelling through autobiographical poems and discussions on depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and other conditions that they have experience with.

Registration for this event is required. All proceeds will go back towards the anti-stigma programme and its effort in destigmatising mental health.

Event details:

Date: Saturday, 24th February 2024

Time: 10:30AM – 11:30AM HKT

Mode: In-person mental health poetry sharing event

Location:  JC Cube, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation available)


Regular tickets: $150HKD

Student / Mind HK Partner / NGO Staff Tickets: Free (please use either school or work email in registration). If you are not in these categories and need financial support attending this event, please email us at antistigma@mind.org.hk

Registration Link: www.eventbrite.hk/e/sharing-poetry-stories-and-mental-health-tickets-792874016527?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

嘉賓介紹 Guest Introduction:

Vish, (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)

Vish 是位作家、口述語言表演者和創意寫作老師。他經常出席詩詞和表演場合,包括TEDx、SoFar Sounds和香港文學節的活動。在2021年他的第一本詩詞合集《請勿靠近月臺幕門》由文韻出版社出版。

Vish is a writer and spoken word performer in between being a creative writing teacher. He has been a fixture of the poetry and performance scene, featuring in events including TEDx, SoFar Sounds, and the Hong Kong Literary Festival. In 2021 his debut poetry collection Please Stand Back from the Platform Door was published by Proverse Publishing.

Sadie (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)

Sadie 是一位電視和電台主播、作家和表演者。她爲香港電台第三台創作和呈獻一些古靈精怪和充滿幽默的節目,包括Bipolar Express、Mental Ideas,還有她的幽默專欄Sharp Pains。她是一名自由撰稿人,爲香港的出版作品提供了有關她的躁鬱症和幽默和思考。她相信每次你自嘲,都能殺死一隻細小的惡魔。

Sadie is a TV & radio host, writer and performer. She produces and presents quirky little podcasts, offbeat docs and humorous slots for RTHK Radio 3, including ‘Bipolar Express’, ‘Mental Ideas’ and her humour column ‘Sharp Pains’. She is a freelance writer, having produced humour and a ‘think’ pieces about her bipolar disorder for Hong Kong publications. She believes that every time you laugh at yourself a tiny demon dies.

Derek (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)

Derek 在香港出生和長大,然後在美國花了八年就讀高中和大學,他也在那裡參與第一級別大學壁球比賽,並畢業取得創意寫作和哲學學位。他現在是香港一所綜合健康診所裡的私人復建教練,爲病人做運動訓練。

Derek was born and raised in Hong Kong before spending eight years in the US for high school and college, where he played D1 college squash for his university and graduated with a degree in creative writing and philosophy. He now works as a personal and rehabilitation trainer specialising in movement at a multidisciplinary health clinic in Hong Kong.

Heinok (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)

Heinok 在香港出生,她生命的大多數時間都在香港生活。她是一位牙科醫生、瑜伽導師和頌缽聲頻療癒師。她也是一位生活步伐快速的完美主義者,並有焦慮和高功能抑鬱症的經驗。在家人、朋友、男友和治療師的支持下,她學會處理她的焦慮和抑鬱並走上復元之路。期間,運動一直是她的日常規律的一部分,使她在混亂中放慢腳步並找到平靜。

Heinok 喜歡練習瑜伽、打網球、投球和遠足。她希望分享和以自己的經驗支持「運動作爲一種治療」的生活態度。

Heinok was born and spent most of her life in Hong Kong. She is a dentist, yoga instructor and singing bowl sound healer. As a perfectionist with a fast-paced life, Heinok experienced anxiety and high-functioning depression. With the support of her family, friends, boyfriend & therapist, she has learnt to work with her anxiety and depression towards recovery. Throughout it all, movement has been part of her routine to slow down and find calmness in the chaos.

She likes to practice yoga, play tennis, netball and hike. From her own experience, she hopes to share her life motto of ‘movement is a form of medicine’ with others.

Jonathan (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)

Jonathan 多年來一直積極於教育和可持續發展的工作。儘管他需要時間應付專注力不足過度活躍症(ADHD)和自閉症譜系障礙(ASD),但他希望能通過分享他的故事傳達積極的生活方式和讓大眾認識怎樣協助與他有類似經歷的人。

Jonathan has been involved in education and sustainable development for many years. As much as it takes time to cope with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder, he hopes that by sharing his story, he can send the message that a positive lifestyle and the ability to suggest what others can do to help can help relieve ASD and ADHD.


“More than a Label 我就是我” is Mind HK campaign in partnership with MINDSET, which stems from their goal of changing and influencing the public’s perception towards persons with diagnosable mental health conditions. Funded by Jardines Matheson, this campaign encourages the public to look beyond the typical, stigmatising, labels associated with mental health diagnoses. Through personal stories of mental health journeys, we showcase realistic portrayals of people who have faced mental health problems are in recovery to ignite hope in others and encourage help-seeking.

With this campaign, we hope to raise awareness of the stigma towards mental health conditions, celebrate the resilience and strength of people in recovery, and educate and equip the public with mental health knowledge. We believe this will encourage more conversation in mental health, which will in turn help destigmatise mental health in Hong Kong.