Mind Hong Kong (Mind HK), a registered S88 charity (91/16471) committed to improving awareness and
understanding of mental health in Hong Kong.

Mind HK’s Position Statement: 

  • Anyone in Hong Kong who needs help with their mental health can be assured that they are entitled to the full support of Mind Hong Kong (Mind HK) irrespective of their gender, race, background or beliefs.
  • To be effective and credible, Mind HK operate as a neutral and impartial humanitarian charity without any political affiliations or other conflicts of interest.
  • The work we do, especially our research, is dedicated to improving the health of vulnerable groups and maintaining the best mental health possible for all of Hong Kong.
  • We hope that anyone reporting or commenting on our work will respect and support our independence and neutrality.

Mind HK’s Mission and Vision: 

  • To ensure everyone in Hong Kong living with a mental health problem has the recognition, support and respect they need to make the best recovery possible.
  • To provide partnership, collaboration, training, innovation and best practice to facilitate the work of all those involved in improving mental health in Hong Kong.
  • To lead, promote and support the destigmatisation and transformation of community mental health care so that Hong Kong can become a global leader in the field and a model for other Asian cities.
  • To research and audit these strategies and share them internationally.

General Enquiry:

For additional information, please email hello@mind.org.hk