Mind HK Media Awards 2019: SUBMISSIONS NOW OPEN
Following the success of last year’s inaugural awards, Mind Hong Kong (Mind HK) is delighted to announce this year’s Media Awards are now open for entries.
Founded to celebrate the role of all forms of media in reducing the stigma of mental health issues, the 2018 awards celebrated journalists, broadcasters, movie producers, and students. This year’s awards will continue to underline the importance of all forms of media in helping tackle mental health stigma responsibly.
To be eligible, submission materials must have been broadcast or published in Hong Kong between July 1st 2018 and June 30th 2019. Categories are open for both English-language and Chinese media. The awards will be judged by an independent panel of media and clinical professionals. Winners will be announced at a ceremony to be held at the Foreign Correspondents Club on November 13th 2019.
Full details – including categories and eligibility criteria – are available at www.mindhkmediaawards.com where entries can also be submitted until the closing date on September 13th 2019. For more information, please visit our website, www.mindhkmediaawards.com, or email media@mind.org.hk.
Mind Hong Kong(Mind HK)承接去年首辦成功,宣布本年度的新聞獎現正接受報名,歡迎提交參賽作品。
獎項完整詳情(包括獎項類別和參賽資格),可於 www.mindhkmediaawards.com 檢視,亦可在此於2019年9月13日截止日期前提交參賽作品。欲知更多資訊,請瀏覽本機構網站 www.mindhkmediaawards.com, 或電郵至 media@mind.org.hk 查詢
About Mind Hong Kong
Mind Hong Kong is an initiative formed out of the Patient Care Foundation. It is committed to improving awareness and understanding of mental health in Hong Kong. They provide online support and interventions, based on global best practices to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem and to equip them with the resources they need. Through collaborative research Mind Hong Kong are leading the way in understanding mental health problems in the city and providing its population with the right support and resources.
Media Contacts:
For information or interviews, please contact Mind HK
Carol Liang | media@mind.org.hk / carol.liang@mind.org.hk