( Hong Kong, 2 August 2023 ) Mind HK’s latest research on the Hong Kong mental health landscape revealed improvements in the general population’s mental health and well-being. However, stigma and discrimination towards individuals with mental health conditions have worsened. This can potentially discourage those in need from seeking help, holding us back from creating a more inclusive and healthy community.  


In response, Mind HK, a local charity committed to reducing stigma around mental health, in partnership with Jardine Matheson Group charity – MINDSET Hong Kong (MINDSET), launched a new Hong Kong-wide, month-long anti-stigma campaign called “#HonestlySpeaking” which kickstarted this August. 


Most people fear speaking out about mental health struggles and do not reach out for help. This bold campaign features inspiring quotes and real-life stories of recovery from Mind HK’s 100+ ambassadors, who have experienced various mental health problems. Through quotes shared in advertisements placed around the city, and online stories on our website, this campaign aims to inspire others to realise that they are not alone in their struggles, assistance is always within reach, and recovery from a range of mental health conditions is possible. 


#HonestlySpeaking sheds the light on how we are all susceptible to mental health challenges, but listening to real-life stories is an effective method of fighting against mental health stigma. Mind HK believes these stories will be a source of strength and encouragement for those who hear and read them. 

The campaign sits under Mind HK and MINDSET’s anti-stigma programme, “More Than A Label”, launched in 2021. In addition to a new section on Mind HK’s official website featuring the stories, it also includes two live sharing events featuring Mind HK’s ambassadors at The Fringe Club in Central. The Cantonese session is on 15 August (Tuesday) and the English session is on 16 August (Wednesday). Registration is free and available on Mind HK’s website.  


Latest study shows improved well-being, but the stigma surrounding mental health is still a major challenge


In June 2023, Mind HK commissioned a Hong Kong-wide study of 1,014 randomly selected local adults (18+) to gauge their state of mental health and learn more about the general public’s perception of mental health and the stigma towards mental health issues in the city. 


The research was carried out by Social Policy Research (SPR) Limited, and the data was weighted towards the target population in Hong Kong. With society beginning to return to normal following the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest study revealed a level of improvement in overall mental health and well-being compared to the previous survey done by Mind HK in March 2022


Respondents who scored lower than 52 out of 100 on the World Health Organisation (WHO-5) Well-Being Index, indicating “poor” overall mental well-being, reduced from almost 56% to 26%. However, 15% of respondents said they had been diagnosed with a mental health problem, reflecting the overall prevalence of mental health issues still remains significant.


In addition, the research also clearly indicated that the stigma against those with mental health issues persists and needs to be addressed. 


Compared to a Mind HK survey about the general public’s attitude towards mental illness conducted in October 2021, the figures from 2023 reflect a concerning trend in stigma and discrimination towards individuals with mental health problems over the past two years. The percentage of respondents who reported that they would not be willing to work with someone with a mental health problem increased from 23% to 38%. While the percentage of respondents who disagreed that they would be willing to continue a friendship with someone who developed a mental health problem in the future surged from 18% to 58%.  


Carol Liang, Deputy CEO of Mind HK, said, “Far too many individuals face mental health problems in Hong Kong and do not get the support and care they need and deserve. In this campaign, our goal is to let people tell their authentic stories to show that recovery from a mental health condition is possible, reduce the stigma around mental illness and inspire individuals to both seek and provide support.”


Public stigma can profoundly impact individuals, not only in terms of their overall well-being but also by preventing them from seeking support or treatment. This causes them to suffer even more and miss out on the support and care they need to thrive in recovery. The research shows that 62% of individuals diagnosed with a mental health condition did not disclose it to anyone else, even close family members. The key reasons were fear of discrimination (49%), not viewing their struggle as “significant” enough (36%), and fear of being judged or criticised (35%). It is clear, therefore, that a major societal shift in how we think about and perceive individuals with mental health conditions is crucial in developing a more open and inclusive environment.


Introducing new guidelines for responsible mental health reporting in the media


The recent research also highlighted the critical role of the media in shaping public perceptions and helping to reduce the stigma against mental illness, while also raising awareness of the resources and services that are available, to encourage those in need to seek help. Currently, social media (49%), news media (40%), and traditional media (34%) are the top three sources for the general public to access mental health-related information in Hong Kong. 


However, inaccurate or misleading messages in the media and misrepresentations of mental illness can actually contribute to stigmatisation and prompt false beliefs. This problem was explained by Bosco, a Mind HK ambassador, who said, “People experiencing mental health problems are not scary. It is the comments made about them by the community that make people scared.”


Given the complex and sensitive nature of the topic, Mind HK’s clinical and anti-stigma teams have developed comprehensive, informative and bilingual media guidelines to help media outlets and journalists report on mental health in an accurate, responsible and appropriate manner. The guidelines, which are on the organisation’s website, are available in both English and Traditional Chinese.



“More Than A Label” stories page:


High-Resolution Images to Download:



Press Enquiries:

Chance Communications

Chloe Hung / Jeff Chan
E: chloe@chancecomm.com / jeff@chancecomm.com

T: +852 6334 6038

Mind HK
Carol Liang, Deputy CEO, Mind HK 

E: carol.liang@mind.org.hk


About Mind HK

Mind HK (Mind Mental Health Hong Kong Limited) is an S88 registered charity (91/16471), which was launched in 2017. The organisation’s vision is to ensure that no one in Hong Kong has to face a mental health problem alone. Through resources, training, and outreach campaigns and programmes, the work of Mind HK helps to raise awareness of mental health and reduce the associated stigma, with the aim of achieving the best mental health for all in Hong Kong. With existing collaboration and research efforts, Mind HK is here to support Hong Kong in becoming a global leader and regional model for public mental health. For more on their work, vision, and mission, please visit mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/. 

Mind HK’s Social Media Platforms: 

Mind HK’s Facebook: @hongkongmind /Mind HK’s Instagram: @mindhongkong / More Than a Label Instagram: @morethanalabelhk



MINDSET is a registered charity in Hong Kong founded by the Jardine Matheson Group in 2002, focused on making a tangible and sustainable difference towards the underserved mental health community. 

MINDSET operates in Hong Kong and Singapore. We aim to raise awareness and change perceptions towards mental illness, as well as support initiatives that foster improved mental health through our three focus areas of community partnership, the Jardines’ network, as well as fundraising & financial support. We lead through corporate partnership, education, advocacy and sponsorship while engaging with the mental health community to drive positive change.  


Please visit MINDSET’s official website at www.mindset.org.hk, Facebook page www.facebook.com/MINDSETHongKong  and LinkedIn page at www.linkedin.com/company/mindset-hong-kong/  for the latest information.


About The Jardine Matheson Group

Jardine Matheson is a diversified Asian-based group founded in China in 1832, with unsurpassed experience in the region. It has a broad portfolio of market-leading businesses, which represent a combination of cash-generating activities and long-term property assets and are closely aligned to the increasingly prosperous consumers of the region. The Group’s businesses aim to produce sustainable returns by providing their customers with high-quality products and services. The Group is committed to driving long-term sustainable success in our businesses and our communities. 


Jardine Matheson operates principally in China and Southeast Asia, where its subsidiaries and affiliates benefit from the support of the Group’s extensive knowledge of the region and its long-standing relationships. These companies are active in the fields of motor vehicles and related operations, property investment and development, food retailing, health and beauty, home furnishings, engineering and construction, transport services, restaurants, luxury hotels, financial services, heavy equipment, mining and agribusiness. 


Jardine Matheson holds interests in Jardine Pacific (100%), Hongkong Land (53.1%), DFI Retail Group (77.5%), Mandarin Oriental (80.2%), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (76.8%) (‘JC&C’) and Zhongsheng (21.1%). JC&C in turn has a 50.1% shareholding in Astra. Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited is incorporated in Bermuda and has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange, with secondary listings in Bermuda and Singapore. Jardine Matheson Limited operates from Hong Kong and provides management services to Group companies. 




Appendix (1) 


Key Findings Highlight: 


The state of mental health in Hong Kong


  • Per the WHO-5 scale, 26% of respondents scored lower than 52 out of 100 on the World Health Organisation 5 (WHO – 5) Well-Being Index, indicating “poor” overall mental well-being 
  • 15% of respondents said that they have been diagnosed with a mental health problem

Attitudes towards mental health conditions in society:


  • 38% would not be willing to work with someone with a mental health problem in the future 
  • 58% would not be willing to continue a relationship with a friend who developed a mental health problem 
  • 46% would not be willing to live nearby someone with a mental health problem 
  • 25% believe people with a mental health problem should not be given a responsibility
Stigma impacts individuals’ own well-being and availability of support:

  • 62% of individuals diagnosed with a mental health condition did not disclose this to anyone else. 

The reasons for this include: 

  • Fear of discrimination (49%
  • Not viewing their struggles as “significant” enough (36%
  • Fear of being judged or criticised (35%)

Top resources for access  to mental health information


  • Social Media (49%)
  • News Media (40%)
  • Traditional Media (34%)