We want to hear from you! [Mind HK Survey 2024]

One of Mind HK’s core goals is to develop educational resources and services relevant to your needs. To ensure our goals are met, we would like to invite you to participate in a short survey and appreciate you taking the time to do this and spreading the word.

Help us by filling out our survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/MindHK2024

This survey is about our website and access to mental health information/services in Hong Kong. We’re asking people to take this survey to help us find out how we can improve our media and programme content, style, language use and user-friendliness, and determine how to improve access to mental health support in Hong Kong.

To participate in this study, you must be a Hong Kong resident over 18. This survey will be open from March 1 to March 14 2024.  The survey will take you around 5-10 minutes to complete, and you can choose to terminate the survey at any time without negative consequences. Survey participants, who input their email addresses, will be entered into a draw to win one of two HKD500 coupons from HKTV Mall. This is optional.

We would like to stress that all information collected will remain strictly confidential. Individual details will not be disclosed or identifiable from this survey. Any personal information that you include in this survey will be stored securely, and only Mind HK’s Research team and our external research partner will have access to the data. Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose.

The findings will be shared with researchers, the media, and other organisations/charities that provide mental health services – to improve support. However, your answers will remain anonymous.

Your answers will help improve support for thousands.  

If you have any questions concerning this study, you can contact the Mind HK Team at hello@mind.org.hk