About this event
參加我們的 「Heads Up」工作坊,讓年青人了解如何透過運動、朋輩支援及改變生活習慣來改善我們的精神健康!工作坊將以廣東話形式進行,並免費開放予所有 13-17 歲的青少年。
時間: 3:30 – 5 PM
對象:13-17 歲青少年
作為 Laureus Sports for Good model Cities 項目的一部份,本地的三所慈善機構:Mind HK、凝動香港體育基金及啟勵扶青會聯手創作了是次工作坊的內容。培訓工作坊作為一項體育公益倡議,旨在讓青少年了解運動對精神健康的重要性,提高他們對運動的意識。
「Heads Up」青年精神健康工作坊將健康與朋輩支援技巧元素融入體育和運動之中,透過正念熱身運動及互動工作坊的形式,教育參加者如何照顧自己及他人,並將精神健康的概念融入於生活不同層面。
Join us for our “Heads Up” workshop for young people to learn about how we can use exercise, peer support, and lifestyle changes to support and improve our mental health! This event is free and for youth aged 13-17. This workshop will be in Cantonese and registration is required.
Mind HK, InspiringHK Sports Foundation, and KELY Support Group, three charities in Hong Kong, have joined hands to put this training together all part of the Laureus Sport for Good Model Cities initiative, in an effort to help raise awareness of the importance of sports and physical activity in mental health.
The Heads Up youth mental health workshop integrates wellness principles and peer support skills into sports and physical exercise. The combination of mindful warm-up activities and interactive training on how to eat, rest and play well acts as a ‘heads-up’ for young players, teaching participants how they can take care of one another and carry mental health concepts forward into every aspect of their daily life.
We hope you will be able to join us for this interactive, fun, and informative session, to help you have a healthier (physically and mentally) start to the new year.