日期:2024年 2 月 24 日
時間:3PM – 4PM HKT
語言: 廣東話 Cantonese (提供即時同聲傳譯)
常規票價: $150 HKD
學生/香港心聆合作夥伴/NGO職員票價:免費 Free (請用學校或工作電郵地址登記). 如你不屬於以上分組,但需要財政支援參與活動,請電郵我們 antistigma@mind.org.hk
了解全天活動的其他環節,請瀏覽: mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/zh-hant/news-zh-hant/announcement-upcoming-event-conversations-of-the-heart-our-mental-health-journeys/
Tiff (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
從大學畢業後到進入職場是人生一個重要轉變之一,Tiffany 的精神健康故事亦在畢業後開始。隨着新工作、新人事、新生活模式等帶來的一連串壓力和焦慮,都令Tiffany招架不來。本來短暫的過渡期,慢慢變成長達十年的抑鬱症和焦慮症,需要接受臨床治療。過程中,她從自己和身邊人中得到很多領悟,這個人生章節更啓發她開始研究食養生活和自然療法,繼而修讀純素廚藝和純素營養學。今日的Tiffany已經完全康復。Tiffany 希望以第一身的分享,令更多人了解精神健康,更重要是如何為身邊面對精神健康困擾的親人給予關懷與支持。
Marketing manager by day, vegan chef off office hours. Tiffany’s journey is inspired by her personal experience combating mental health challenges. It first arose shortly after her graduation, in coping with relocation, workplace environment and social life adjustment. Without knowing, this adjustment turned into 10 years of depression and anxiety. Today, she is fully recovered. She hopes, by sharing her personal story, that more people can see the silver lining in all situations – if there’s a will, there’s, always, a way.
Carol (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
連皓忻為香港著名女中音,曾於多個國際及香港的歌劇製作演唱女中音角色, 包括《卡門》的卡門、《再生瑪莉亞》的瑪莉亞、《鄉村騎士》的桑桃莎、 《蝴蝶夫人》的鈴木等。連氏亦經常與各音樂團體合作擔任獨唱,曾合作的樂 團包括波士頓愛樂、亞斯本交響樂團、新加坡愛樂、香港管弦樂團、香港小交 響樂團等。
生於香港,連氏畢業於香港演藝學院,獲美國新英格蘭音樂學院頒授聲樂表演 碩士。她也是2006年及2007年美國艾斯本音樂節的聲樂院士。2013年,連氏 於第32屆貝弗迪爾國際聲樂比賽的分站中勝出,也分別曾於日本及意大利舉行 的國際音樂比賽中榮獲第一及第三名。
Carol Lin is one of the leading mezzo-sopranos in Hong Kong. She has taken principal roles in opera productions by Hong Kong and international compa- nies including ”Carmen” (Carmen), “Maria” (Maria de Buenos Aires), “Santuz- za” (Cavalleria Rusticana), “Suzuki” (Madama Butterfly) etc. She has been the featured soloists for many concert performances by organizations such as Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, Aspen Sinfonia, The Philharmonic Orchestra Singapore, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta.
A native of Hong Kong, Ms. Lin graduated from Hong Kong Academy for Per- forming Arts and holds a Master of Music Degree (Vocal Performance and Opera) from New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. She is also a vocal fellow of the Aspen Music Festival in Summer 2006 and 2007. In 2013, she won the regional round of the 32nd International Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition. She has also won First and Third Prize in international singing competitions held in Japan and Italy respectively.
Juliana (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
My name is Juliana, I was born in the 90s, and I am working as a peer support worker in an NGO and also as part-time staff in a private institution.
I was diagnosed with a mental illness in 2018, and I have been stable for a period of time and am able to maintain a job that I like. My recovery is progressing well.
I love drawing, and recently I’ve also been making videos to record and share my life.
Phoebe (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
在教育和就業系統之間架起橋樑,為下一代培養企業文化,這是 Phoebe 目前在一家數字化轉型諮詢公司擔任的職務所熱衷的使命。 Phoebe認為健康是全人發展的基礎,而健康不僅僅是沒有疾病或虛弱,而是身體、心理和社會的完好狀態。 她參與了 心聆大使計劃,以提高公眾對精神健康的認識,並社會上展開更多討論。
“The meaning of life is to find your gift and the purpose of life is to give it away.” From social and education innovation to corporate culture cultivation, unleashing talents’ potentials and nurturing change makers are the missions closest to Phoebe’s heart.
Bridging the education and employment systems to cultivate corporate culture for the next generation are the missions that Phoebe is passionate about in her current role at a digital transformation consultancy. Phoebe believes that health is the foundation of whole person development, while health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. She participates in the Mind HK Ambassador programme to raise public awareness of mental health and to facilitate more discussion in the city.
Sandy (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador)
Sandy is a proud ADHDer, who has previously been diagnosed with depression. She believes mental health is particularly important and hopes her story can raise awareness on mental health in Hong Kong. She loves reading and sharing mental health related posts on social media, as she wants people, who also struggle with mental health issues, to know that they are not alone.
“More than a Label 我就是我” is Mind HK campaign in partnership with MINDSET, which stems from their goal of changing and influencing the public’s perception towards persons with diagnosable mental health conditions. Funded by Jardines Matheson, this campaign encourages the public to look beyond the typical, stigmatising, labels associated with mental health diagnoses. Through personal stories of mental health journeys, we showcase realistic portrayals of people who have faced mental health problems are in recovery to ignite hope in others and encourage help-seeking.
With this campaign, we hope to raise awareness of the stigma towards mental health conditions, celebrate the resilience and strength of people in recovery, and educate and equip the public with mental health knowledge. We believe this will encourage more conversation in mental health, which will in turn help destigmatise mental health in Hong Kong.