What is trauma and what can we do?
Have you ever experienced a situation that made you frightened? And did these scary feelings sometimes last long and not disappear? Tune in here to learn more about trauma and ways to cope with it.
Remember, you can always reach out for help from a trusted adult – you don’t have to face these feelings alone.
This video is appropriate for adolescents and those who want to learn more about managing trauma as a young person.
English video link: https://youtu.be/z8W2qKgRvOA
Cantonese video link: https://youtu.be/30g3SRYmn6k
Simplified Chinese transcription: https://mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/zh-hant/%e9%9d%92%e5%b0%91%e5%b9%b4%e5%89%b5%e5%82%b7%e5%bd%b1%e7%89%87%e7%b0%a1%e9%ab%94%e8%bd%89%e9%8c%84/
This video is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Mind HK does not provide any clinical support and advice at the moment, should you have any questions regarding your mental health, or that of the people around you, please consult a mental health professional.
More mental health resources:
Trauma: https://mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/mental-health-a-to-z/trauma/what-is-trauma/
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: https://mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/mental-health-a-to-z/ptsd/about-ptsd/
Youth mental health resources: www.coolmindshk.com/en/
Other COVID-19 mental health resource hub: mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/covid-information-hub
For parents – managing your mental health during separation with children: https://mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/mental-health-a-to-z/parent-child-separation-and-mental-health/supporting-mental-health-during-separation/
A list of hotlines available in Hong Kong that provides immediate mental support: mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/find-help-now
A list of other mental health services provided by local NGOs: mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/community-directory
How and where to seek help in Hong Kong: mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/getting-help