What help is available?
There are various treatments available that can help you with your anger problems. If your difficulties with anger are related to a mental health problem and/or traumatic experiences then you might find that treatment and support for this also addresses your anger. (See our A-Z of mental health for information on treatments and support for different diagnoses and experiences).
Talking therapy and counselling
Talking therapy and counselling involves talking about your problems with a trained professional (such as a counsellor or psychotherapist) who can help you explore the causes of your anger and ways to manage it. This can help you work through your feelings and improve your responses to situations that make you angry.
There are different types of talking therapies, and some are specifically tailored to anger issues.
- Counselling is usually a short-term treatment where you might talk through a specific issue – such as outbursts of anger with your partner or in the workplace – and try to understand how you could manage those situations differently. Some workplaces, higher education institutions, local charities and clinics offer free or low-cost counselling services to their employees, students or local residents.
- Psychotherapy often lasts longer than counselling and tends to go deeper into past experiences. Your focus here may be on learning more about yourself to help you understand why you express your anger the way you do, or why certain situations make you angry.
- Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is highly structured short-term talking therapy that examines how your thoughts, feelings and behaviours affect each other, and aims to teach you practical skills to change this. You could also try to learn CBT techniques by yourself through accessing self-help books from your local library, or online through free apps.
For more information about different kinds of talking treatments and how they can help, see our pages on talking therapies.
“Talking, talking, talking over many years has helped immensely. Now I don’t bottle it all up inside.”
How do I access these treatments?
To access most treatments, the first step is usually to talk to your family doctor.
Anger can be a barrier to getting help
Accessing professional help isn’t always straightforward; it can be challenging and sometimes you might experience setbacks or delays. It’s understandable that you might sometimes feel frustrated and angry about your situation – especially if you don’t feel you’re getting the help you want.
But if you express your anger aggressively towards your healthcare professionals, this can cause more problems and delays in getting the help you want. Healthcare professionals have a right to feel safe at work; so if your behaviour becomes aggressive or threatening, they may not feel able to help you.
(See our pages on managing outbursts and long-term coping for some techniques you can use to manage angry feelings.)
“I get angry when I don’t get the help I need. That worsens my mental health so I feel more anxious and frustrated.”
Anger management programmes
These are a specific kind of talking treatment for people who struggle with anger issues. They often involve working in a group, but may involve one-to-one sessions. They may use a mixture of counselling and CBT techniques. You can try:
- Online self-help. Some organisations have produced online self-help guides for managing anger (see our page on useful contacts for more information).
- A private course or therapist specialising in anger. See our pages on talking therapies for more information about private therapy.
Help for abusive and violent behaviour
If your anger means you’re acting in an abusive or violent way it’s important to get help. You might feel worried that asking for help will get you in trouble, but it is often the most important first step towards changing your behaviour. You can contact:
- Your family doctor. They can talk through your options with you, and refer you on to any local services.
- The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong
Local support
- Caritas Hong Kong Family Service
- Hotline: 2649 9158
- Christian Family Service Centre
- Man’s Hotline (Every Tue, Thu, Sat; 10:00am-10:00pm)
- Tel : 2787 1355
- Harmony House Third Path
- Man Hotline (Every Mon, Wed, Fri; 2:00pm-10:00pm)
- Tel: 2295 1386
- Po Leung Kuk Family and Intimate Partner Relationship
- Hotline for Men
- Tel: 2890 1830 (24-hour service)
Please note:
- Mind HK does not endorse any particular support service, including those listed on this page. We have no knowledge of their services or performance.
- This is not an exhaustive list. You may be able to find other services near you.
- It is your responsibility to decide whether the service you are considering using is appropriate for you.