Mind HK Ambassador

#HereAndNow: Aerial Belay with Sapphire the Cat

This is the Aerial Hammock Belay pose. Usually, Belay refers to the protective rope for rock climbing, and this pose symbolises the protective role Aerial Hammock and my beloved feline companion Sapphire played throughout my recovery from depression.

When I got depression a few years ago, I had insomnia every night, I lost control of my health, the world looked like it had broken down, and I was no longer able to carry the physical and emotional pressure. That time when days felt like years eventually ended when Aerial Hammock and Sapphire appeared in my life.

Since Sapphire came into my life, the daily routine of taking care of her has provided me new sustenance, alleviating the loneliness and helplessness I once felt. The simple joy of observing Sapphire focused on scratching the scratch plate, then eagerly chasing after a rolling ball, fills me with contentment. By serendipity, I began practising the graceful art of Aerial Hammock. The feeling of circling and flying freely in the air has helped me discover the delight of sports. Through training my muscle strength, fitness and flexibility in this aerial discipline, my body has grown healthier and the endorphins released during these sessions have helped improve my mood.

Aerial Hammock and my cat have become inseparable parts of my life. Because of these two sources of joy, I have been able to reignite my passion for living, even during the darkest times.

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