Jacqueline’s message
I am a survivor of depression and schizophrenia, and I am happy to share my story.
Facing nocioceptive hallucination helps me become aware that reality is not always cruel, I receive support from my family and companions.
I am a survivor of depression and schizophrenia, and I am happy to share my story.
Facing nocioceptive hallucination helps me become aware that reality is not always cruel, I receive support from my family and companions.
想了解自己當下的情緒健康狀態嗎?報名參與我們免費的一次性心理健康諮詢,與我們的 iACT® 心理健康主任一起了解你當下的情緒健康狀態,並探索適合的社區資源以照顧你的需要。
Are you interested in learning about your current emotional wellbeing? Sign up for a one-time free wellbeing check-in with our Wellbeing Practitioners to better understand your emotional wellbeing status, and explore suitable community resources to take care of your needs.