( Hong Kong, 29 July 2024 )Mind HK, a local mental health charity, is committed to combating stigma and strengthening support. Mind HK’s 2023 survey indicated the good news that public awareness of mental health in Hong Kong as a vital part of overall wellbeing is steadily increasing. However, it also revealed less good news in finding that the stigma towards individuals facing mental health conditions remains significant in both the workplace and in normal neighbourhood life. This stigma is severely impeding the creation of a more respectful and inclusive society. 


In light of these circumstances, Mind HK is excited to introduce a new city-wide, anti-stigma campaign called “#HereAndNow” this August. Sponsored by Jardine Matheson Group charity – MINDSET Hong Kong (MINDSET), this new campaign will sit under Mind HK’s existing anti-stigma programme, “More Than A Label”, launched in 2021.

Mental health recovery is not a linear process, but a dynamic journey that consists of ebbs and flows. The concept of #HereAndNow sheds light on its evolving nature with a dual focus on space and time, celebrating the resilience and strength of people in recovery. Throughout the month, the campaign includes an interactive exhibition and two live story sharing events featuring Mind HK’s ambassadors in Central. These events offer the public an opportunity to explore and draw inspiration from real-life stories presented in various formats, curating a safe platform to facilitate mental health conversations. 

Carol Liang, Deputy CEO, Mind HK, said: “Reducing the stigma around mental health and mental illness in Hong Kong is a priority of Mind HK. We believe that sharing the inspiring recovery stories of our ambassadors’ mental health journeys through the #HereAndNow campaign and exhibition is a way to start the conversations. Recovery from mental illness is possible with the right support. Authentic real-life stories can empower those experiencing mental health challenges to speak up and promote a more positive perception towards the topic, reducing stigma and encouraging people to seek help.”


Andrew Wong, Chairman of MINDSET, said: “Through our enduring partnership with Mind HK, MINDSET has donated over HK$5.5 million in 2023 to combat public stigma surrounding mental health. We would like to express our deep gratitude to the courageous ambassadors who share their recovery stories, inspiring others and fostering understanding and support for mental well-being in our community.”

Embracing #HereAndNow – A campaign unveiling the evolving journey of mental health recovery

With support from 3812 Gallery as the venue sponsor, the #HereAndNow campaign presents an exhibition titled “#HereAndNow: Brain Back Memories – Places We’ve Walked Together” from 6 to 15 August, featuring authentic stories of Mind HK ambassadors and work from local artist Erin Hung.

This interactive exhibition encapsulates the essence of the #HereAndNow theme while celebrating the power of companionship in mental health recovery journeys. The exhibition will showcase a collection of real-life stories from the ambassadors, presented in written format alongside photographs depicting significant moments and memorable locations throughout their recovery journeys in Hong Kong. Another highlight of the exhibition is captivating, commissioned art pieces created by Erin Hung, inspired by the mental health recovery journeys of the ambassadors. 


An interactive piece will also be set up to enhance public participation at the gallery, where participants can leave their marks and share the locations important to them. 


Erin Hung, the collaborated artist of the #HereAndNow exhibition, said:I’m honoured to partner with Mind HK on their anti-stigma campaign, to shift our culture toward openness for the mental health discourse. Being a passionate advocate for the cause, particularly in Asian cultures, I strongly believe that storytelling, compassion and community are the key ingredients for holistic wellness. As a person who has experienced loneliness on her own mental health journey, it is my hope that we can work towards a world where people going through mental health struggles will be safely met with empathy and inclusion, by community and peers that are informed and equipped.


During the exhibition period, the campaign will also include two live story-sharing events titled “Story Night: Mental Health Journeys #HereAndNow” at The Fringe Club in Central. The English session is on 8 August (Thursday) and the Cantonese session is on 13 August (Tuesday). The concept of “safe spaces” is paramount in the mental health recovery journey. These spaces can take various forms, such as support groups or physical locations within the community that provide a sense of belonging, enabling individuals to connect with others for emotional support and validation. 


During these events, Mind HK’s ambassadors will share different locations in Hong Kong that hold significance in their recovery stories, with the goal of facilitating public conversations about mental health. Registration is free and available on Mind HK’s website. More Mind HK ambassadors’ stories can also be found at https://mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/mtal/.


Claud, a Mind HK ambassador, said: “We can destigmatise mental health by bravely speaking about it in a non-stigmatising manner. In doing so, we will create an emotionally safe space for people to join the conversation and share their mental health stories. Physical safe spaces are even more important to recovery. They’re the secret hideout for our present self and inner child. With safety, our nervous system can unfreeze and heal from physical and emotional trauma.”


Besides personal experiences and stereotypes, the media also plays a pivotal role in shaping public perceptions and reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness in today’s society. Acknowledging the complexity and sensitivity of reporting mental health-relevant topics, Mind HK has also crafted comprehensive and informative media guidelines readily accessible on the organisation’s website, available in both English and Traditional Chinese, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all. Empower media outlets and journalists to report on mental health in an accurate, responsible, and appropriate manner.


Join the #HereAndNow campaign and exhibition this August to explore inspirational mental health journeys and support Mind HK in cultivating a stigma-free society!  



#Mind HK #MoreThanALabel #HereAndNow

More Than A Label Website:

English Website: https://mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/mtal/

Chinese Website: https://mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/zh-hant/mtal/

High-res images: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/sdfg2r4y3kay7vryzvsmc/AAmsnWG8DIRa_fBfA8wk81I?rlkey=tfq9joxb06m3rdhi82gmas4m2&st=rfx5fh2n&dl=0


Mind HK’s #HereAndNow – Brain back memories, Places we’ve walked together exhibition

Date: 6 August – 15 August 2024

Opening Time: 11 AM – 7PM ( Monday to Friday ) // **11AM – 6 PM ( For 6 August & 15 August )
Venue: 3812 Gallery

Location: 26/F, Wyndham Place, 40 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong

Cost: Free


Mind HK’s Storytelling Event: Story Night: Mental Health Journeys #HereAndNow

Date: English Session – 8 August 2024 ( Thursday ) and Cantonese Session – 13 August 2024 ( Tuesday ) 

Time: 6:30 PM – 8 PM 

Venue: Jockey Club Studio Theatre, Fringe Club
Location: 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong

Sign up:
(ENG) https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/english-story-night-mental-health-journeys-hereandnow-tickets-951272209787

(CANTONESE) – https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/951276773437

Cost: Free


Press Enquiries:

Chance Communications

Chloe Hung / Jeff Chan
E: chloe@chancecomm.com / jeff@chancecomm.com

T: +852 6334 6038


Mind HK

Clara Kwok, Acting Head of Communications, Mind HK
E: clara.kwok@mind.org.hk 




About Mind HK
Mind HK (Mind Mental Health Hong Kong Limited) is an S88 registered charity (91/16471), which was launched in 2017. The organisation’s vision is to ensure that no one in Hong Kong has to face a mental health problem alone. Through resources, training, and outreach campaigns and programmes, the work of Mind HK helps to raise awareness of mental health and reduce the associated stigma, with the aim of achieving the best mental health for all in Hong Kong. With existing collaboration and research efforts, Mind HK is here to support Hong Kong in becoming a global leader and regional model for public mental health. For more on their work, vision, and mission, please visit mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/. 

Mind HK’s Social Media Platforms: 

Mind HK’s Facebook: @hongkongmind /Mind HK’s Instagram: @mindhongkong / More Than a Label Instagram: @morethanalabelhk



MINDSET is a registered charity in Hong Kong founded by the Jardine Matheson Group (‘Jardines’ or ‘the Group’) in 2002. Operating in Hong Kong and Singapore, MINDSET aims to raise awareness and change perceptions towards mental illness, and support initiatives that foster improved mental health through three focus areas: Community partnerships; Fundraising and financial support; Leveraging the Jardines network. Visit LinkedIn @mindset-hong-kong and mindset.org.hk to learn more about MINDSET. Please visit MINDSET’s official website at www.mindset.org.hk, Facebook page and LinkedIn page for the latest information.


Appendix 1 – Mind HK 2023 Survey Key Findings Highlight


The state of mental health in Hong Kong


  • Per the WHO-5 scale, 26% of respondents scored lower than 52 out of 100 on the World Health Organisation 5 (WHO – 5) Well-Being Index, indicating “poor” overall mental well-being 
  • 15% of respondents said that they have been diagnosed with a mental health problem 

Attitudes towards mental health conditions in society:


  • 38% would not be willing to work with someone with a mental health problem in the future 
  • 58% would not be willing to continue a relationship with a friend who developed a mental health problem 
  • 46% would not be willing to live nearby someone with a mental health problem 
  • 25% believe people with a mental health problem should not be given a responsibility
Stigma impacts individuals’ own well-being and availability of support:

  • 62% of individuals diagnosed with a mental health condition did not disclose this to anyone else. 

The reasons for this include: 

  • Fear of discrimination (49%
  • Not viewing their struggles as “significant” enough (36%
  • Fear of being judged or criticised (35%)

Top resources for access  to mental health information


  • Social Media (49%)
  • News Media (40%)
  • Traditional Media (34%)