Mind HK’s annual large-scale challenge “Move It for Mental Health 2024”, sponsored by lululemon, is making a comeback! This year we want to encourage you to breathe some fresh air and complete a total of 50km in nature during the month of March.

Exercise helps to boost our mental health and emotional wellbeing, and being in nature is proven to help support mental health. It is also a great way to discover the hidden gems in this vibrant city. We encourage people of all ages to step outdoors this year and feel the positive change it brings to mind and body. Here is the opportunity to take up a new challenge!

You can achieve the goal of 50km in nature by walking, running, or hiking along nature trails, coastal walks, or in country parks. You could do this in one go, via several short hikes, or through 2-3 long hikes. You could even bike or swim, or find another creative way of covering 50km. It is up to you!

Move It for Mental Health 2024 is open for registration from 18 January 2024. Let’s get moving and get outdoors this March!

REGISTER TO JOIN OUR VIRTUAL CHALLENGE: Complete 50km in nature in March

Challenge period: 1 March – 31 March, 2024

Registration link: Sign up via Google Form for free: bit.ly/moveit24form

OR Sign up via Give Asia and make a donation: give.asia/campaign/mindhkmoveitformentalhealth2024 

Registration deadline: 24 March, 2024

Registration fee: Free – or make a small donation at the checkout to get an exclusive Mind HK Move It for Mental Health 2024 tote bag

How to take part: 

Step 1: Sign up via Google Form for free

OR Sign up via Give Asia and make a donation – plus get a free Mind HK tote bag

Step 2: Complete 50km in March in nature on your own or as a team and enjoy Hong Kong springtime!
*You can achieve the goal by walking, running, or hiking along nature trails, coastal walks, or country parks. You can do this in one go, via several short hikes, or through 2-3 long hikes – it is up to you! You could even bike or swim. 

Step 3: Complete the challenge and our end-of-challenge Wellbeing Survey to have a chance to receive a prize!

If you would like to fundraise/donate:

  • Make a donation when you checkout to get your Move It tote bag (optional)
  • Raise funds to improve mental health care in Hong Kong with a Give Asia fundraising page (optional)

Learn more here: mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/moveithk2024/