Mind HK is pleased to announce the launch of its Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP) training programme. The programme is a continuation of Mind HK’s existing youth wellbeing practitioner programme, with the aim to extend early mental health support to adults. The programme is a comprehensive, 11-month training course, and PWPs will be trained to provide mental health support to individuals aged 18 and above, who are facing mild to moderate common mental problems, including depression and anxiety, in Hong Kong.
We will be training a new cohort of practitioners, and we are now accepting applications.
To learn more and apply, please visit:
All tuition fees for 2022/2023 have been kindly covered by our programme sponsors, The Kadoorie Charitable Foundation and the Hemera Foundation. However, an upfront deposit of HKD 6,000 is required when trainees accept their place on the programme. The deposit will only be returned to trainees in full, upon completion of the training block AND the placement period