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A crisis is any situation where you feel that you need urgent help.
In a crisis, it may feel as though you have nowhere to turn. You may be struggling to cope with overwhelming negative thoughts and feelings, you may be having thoughts about hurting yourself or someone else, or you may have seriously hurt yourself in some way.
Although reaching out for support may feel like the last thing you want to do, talking to someone about how you are feeling can help you to see beyond these thoughts, feelings or experiences and get you the help that you need to feel better.
You can read about coping with suicidal feelings HERE
What to do in a crisis
- If you feel able to, you can speak to a trusted friend or family member, or a medical or mental health professional. Starting the conversation can be hard, but these people want to talk to you and help you to cope.
- If you think you may act on suicidal feelings, or you have seriously harmed yourself: Phone 999 or go to your nearest A&E department.
- If you are feeling extremely distressed or having suicidal thoughts: There are a number of helplines you can phone at any time to reach trained volunteers who want to help you to get the support you need.
- If you need help but it is not an emergency, you can make an appointment with your doctor or a mental health professional.
Crisis service
Mental Health Support Hotline
24-hour emotional support hotline for general public (co-ordinates about 20 related organisations to provide comprehensive mental support services to the public.)
Cantonese, English
Mental Health Direct (Hospital Authority)
24-hour psychiatric health consultation to assist with crisis management or emergency assistance
2466 7350
Suicide prevention hotline (The Samaritans)
24-hour suicide prevention hotline and emotional support
2896 0000
Cantonese, English, French, German, Hindi, Malay, Mandarin, Panjabi, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu
Emotional support hotline (The Samaritans Befrienders Hong Kong)
24-hour suicide prevention hotline and emotional support
2389 2222
Suicide prevention hotline (Suicide Prevention Services)
24-hour suicide prevention hotline with emotional support
2382 0000
24-hour Family crisis hotline (Caritas Family Crisis Support Centre)
24-hour family crisis hotline answered by social workers
24-hour youth hotline service (Youth Outreach)
24-hour emotional support hotline for youth
9088 1023
Hotline for Carer Support
24-hour support hotline manned by professional social workers
Elderly suicide prevention hotline(Suicide Prevention Services)
24-hour suicide prevention hotline with emotional support for elderly
2382 0881
24-hour crisis intervention hotline (CEASE Crisis Centre)
24-hour crisis intervention hotline for victims of abuse
Cantonese, English
Pride Line (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals)
Supports LGBT+ community support, providing emotional support, professional referrals, group activities and follow-up services handled by a professional social worker
2217 5959
Mental Health Enquiry hotline (Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service)
Mental health information and emotional support, with enquires answered by social workers
24-hour information hotline
with Social Worker on duty:
Mon-Fri: 10am-1230pm, 2pm-5pm
2535 4135
24-hour enquiries hotline (Social Welfare Department)
24-hour information support hotline and emotional support service during office hours
24-hour information hotline with Social Worker on duty:
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
2343 2255
Cantonese, English
English emotional support hotline (The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong)
Provide suicide prevention and emotional support to English speakers
Mon-Fri: 6:30pm - 10pm
2389 2223
Emotional Support Hotline (Joyful Mental Health Foundation)
Emotional support for the general public
Mon-Fri: 10am - 1pm, 2- 5pm
Sat: 10am - 1pm
2301 2303
Youth mental health consultation hotline (Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service)
Hotline answered by social workers to conduct consultations on mental health
Mon-Fri: 10am - 5pm
3413 1543
Youth suicide prevention hotline (Suicide Prevention Services)
24-hour suicide prevention hotline with emotional support for youth
2pm - 2am
2382 0777
uTouch hotline (The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups)
Youth emotional support
Mon-Sat: 2pm-2am
2777 8899
DSE hotline (The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups)
Emotional support and guidance services for DSE candidates
Mon-Sat: 2pm - 2am
2777 8899
Harmony House
Crisis intervention, counselling, and referral resources for family violence victims
Woman Hotline:24-hour
Man Hotline: Mon – Sat: 10:00 – 18:00 ;
Mon, Wed & Fri: 19:00 – 22:00
(Excluding Public Holidays)
Children hotline: 24-hour
For Female: 2522 0434
For Male: 2295 1386
For Children: 2751 8822
Live Life! Hotline for Elderly
Services for the elderly experiencing depression and suicidal thoughts, providing follow-up and referral services as needed
Mon-Sun: 9am - 9pm
2382 0881
Rainlily Sexual Violence Helpline (Rainlily)
Provide hotline services for victims of sexual abuse
Mon-Fri: 9am - 10pm
Sat: 9am - 1pm
2375 5322
Cantonese, English
Call Mira (The Zubin Foundation)
Support helpline for ethnic minority women in Hong Kong
Mon-Fri: 10am - 4pm (except public holidays)
9682 3100
English, Urdu, and Hindi
Teacher hotline (Education Bureau)
Emotional support hotline services for teaching staff and principals
Mon-Sun: 10am - 10pm
2892 6600
Non-crisis service
Help Me
Mind HK’s bilingual virtual assistant, available 24/7, which uses artificial intelligence to make access to support and information on mental health easier
Open Up
An online text platform designed specifically to cater the needs of youngsters aged 11-35, experiencing emotional distress from different aspects such as family issues, interpersonal relationships and academic stress.
fb: hkopenup
ig: hkopenup
wts: 9101 2012
sms: 9101 2012
ChatPoint (The Samaritans Befrienders Hong Kong)
An online counselling service that supports individuals in emotional
distress and provides a safe space for them to share their feelings with trained volunteers.
Mon-Fri: 4pm - 1am
Sat, Sun and Public Holidays: 8pm - 1am
Counseling@MHAHK Mobile App (The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong)
A mobile app offering educational resources to promote mental health, including immediate counselling service, mini games, self-tests and assessments.