Mind HK will be hosting the Hong Kong Mental Health Conference 2020 in November 2020. This follows the success of the Hong Kong Mental Health conference in 2017.

The conference will focus on youth mental health, in order to scale up existing programs, introduce new youth mental health initiatives, foster impactful partnerships, and most importantly translate international and local best-practices into concrete programmes to promote and improve youth mental health in Hong Kong and beyond.


Hong Kong Mental Health Conference – Day 1 & 2

The Hong Kong Mental Health Conference will consist of sessions targeted toward clinical professionals and educators. International and local speakers will be joining us to share their expertise in a range of themes, ranging from the perinatal period to transitioning into the workplace. Several confirmed international speakers will be joining us virtually. All education and mental health professionals, NGO workers, young people, parents, and those interested in youth mental health, are welcome to attend.

Here are some international speakers, who will be joining us virtually:

  • Dr. Laurie Santos, Professor of Psychology, Yale University; Host, The Happiness Lab (podcast)
  • Professor Patrick McGorry, Executive Director, Orygen; Professor of Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne
  • Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath, Director, Science of Learning Group; Educational Neuroscientist; Director, LME Global
  • Professor Tamsin Ford CBE, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Anne Buist, Chair of Women’s Mental Health, University of Melbourne
  • Professor Dinesh Bhugra CBE; Emeritus Professor of Mental Health and Cultural Diversity at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London; President of the World Psychiatric Association (2014-2017)



Hong Kong Youth Summit – Day 3

The Hong Kong Youth Summit is an event organised for youth by youth. This will be open to adolescents, young adults, and parents. With the theme “Resilience: In this Together” the summit seeks to engage youth through interactive workshops, panel discussions, stories of lived experience, and more.

Please note we are committed to delivering you a conference experience of the best quality and holding the health and safety of all attendees in the highest regard. We will be strictly adhering to all measures of social distancing regulations, and health and safety precautions to create a safe environment to connect, learn, and network. In the event that Hong Kong restrictions prevent us from delivering our conference in a traditional face to face manner, we will be progressing via our online hosting platform. 

Details on the programme, speakers, and registration and the event’s full website will be available in Summer 2020. Please check back for additional details and join our mailing list for the latest updates.

Questions? Email hkmhc2020@mind.org.hk 


2020 HKMHC Supporting Organisations: 


2017 Hong Kong Mental Health Conference Recap: