Get Involved

Help show mental health matters.
We’re always seeking help in multiple ways. Below are a few opportunities for you to get involved. We look forward to hearing from and working with you.
Volunteer with us
Volunteer opportunities
Whether you have skills or not, we’d love to hear from you! If you’re interested in volunteering, please do not hesitate to apply and join us!

Partner with us
We are eager to collaborate with other local and international organisations on future projects. Here are ways we can partner:
Become a corporate sponsor:
If you’re interested in becoming a founding donor, or sponsoring or one of our initiatives/events, please email us at
Become an affiliated mental health charity:
Our mission is to provide resources and information to the Hong Kong public at large, to change attitudes towards mental health, and ensure everyone facing mental health challenges receives adequate treatment. We’re looking for mental health charities in Hong Kong and abroad to be an affiliate with ours; we will post your website and description on our website, in order for site visitors to gain access to your services and information. If you’re interested in becoming an affiliated mental health charity, please email with a short description of your organisation. We look forward to hearing from you!
Provide pro bono services:
We’re always looking for valuable support in design, PR, marketing and more. Please email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.